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How can energy storage better participate in the electric auxiliary service market?
Author:管理员    Posted on:2020-03-31 09:01:21    Text:【big】【medium】【small】Browse (857)
Summary:With the further deepening of the power market reform, the power auxiliary service market has become a hot spot and focus of reform. As one of the means, energy storage has......

With the further deepening of the power market reform, the power auxiliary service market has become a hot spot and focus of reform. As one of the means, energy storage has achieved a commercial breakthrough in the field of auxiliary services represented by frequency modulation with its fast and accurate response capabilities and flexible layout methods. On the other hand, there are still many shortcomings in the market mechanism and policy environment supporting efficient and rational application of energy storage. In the future, with the access to a higher proportion of renewable energy, China ’s power system will have a higher demand for flexible resources to participate in the regulation. Energy storage will play a vital role in the future low-carbon energy system. In other words, the construction of China's auxiliary service market is still in its infancy, and the rationality of market rules has yet to be explored. The adjustment of rules needs to keep pace with the times, and to move towards the goal of long-term development. (Test article)(测试文章)

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